Exploring Framer’s New 3D Animation Features

Framer has introduced impressive new features, including 3D animations, transitions, and skewing animations. This guide will help you create your own 3D animations in Framer, starting with a basic project. You can easily create a card with transparent background and shadow, then turn it into a 3D component. By using the hover option and transforms panel, you can add 3D rotations and skews, creating dynamic effects.

For skewing animations, multiple elements like scale, rotate, and skew are used. Adjusting the X and Y axes allows the card to appear as if it is lifting off a surface. Additionally, cards can reveal hidden elements when hovered over, adding depth to your designs.

Framer’s 3D effects also work with existing components, like image carousels, allowing you to add depth and perspective. These features are practical for enhancing website portfolios and more.


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